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  • Avatar photoSekvojaa
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Sekvoja/Sek

    Country of Origin: Croatia


    Main Character Name: Sekvojaa
    Main Character Class: Druid

    Main Specialization: Restoration
    Off Specialization: Boomkin

    Screenshot of your UI: I’m still getting that in order since I reinstalled everyting on my PC cuz of a faulty disc. But I use Elv UI for interface and raid frames for healing, keybinds and macros all around ofc, don’t use many flashy addons bcs I want my UI to look clean so I use only the important and helpful ones.

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: I used to raid with Prime Team orange in season 1 and 2 of Shadowlands, we went 6/10M in CN 10/10HC but when S2 hit we didn’t progress in CN anymore and went 3/10M 9/10HC in SoD but I quit WoW somewhere in the beginnings of S2 so didn’t progress far there, in S2 of Shadowlands I focused more on M+ and discovered my love for RGBS and PVP aspect of the game, hit around 2200 rio score and was realm R1 rdudu at one point. Before I switched to retail I played Wotlk on Warmane since I was around 11 y.o. and went 12/12 HC ICC on multiple chars if that counts for something.

    History of Previous Guilds: Prime

    Why did you leave them?: They were a great bunch, but I couldn’t keep up with the incoming content, come prepared for every raid and keep a good attendance due to school and everything that was going on in my life at the time and 0 progress raid after raid made it even more draining and time wasting when people weren’t learning from their mistakes 4-5 nights of 3-4 hours of raiding and besides they already had more than enough healers so I thought they are set but I had to focus on real life for some time which is when I pretty much quit WoW for about a year now since a lot of players left too there wasn’t much left to lose there and they were too chill in some cases and I wanted to have more of a hardcore guild to make better progress.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:From wow progress I saw you were looking for a healer so I thought why not try to apply

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I expect to have a good time with your guild and hope to progress further into the ends of Shadowlands and Dragonflight seems fun aswell so count me in there since I got all the time of the world now I can finally focus on the game and what it offers. I hope to progress in raiding and M+ as well as RBGS and arenas if there are people interested in that too.

    What can you bring to the team?: I can bring a lot of pressistence, do what I am told, suggest when we can do something better, be always open to criticism and hope to better in the game. Humour maybe idunno? xd we’ll see how the atmosphere is i guess haha, funny memes and such too :p

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Every day since like 12pm-1am or more really depends on the day but I am flexible and can build my schedual around the guilds needs at the moment.

    Anything else you would like to add?: I enjoy many different games and hope to become a member of your team if you would have me. It would probably take me a week or two to catch up to all the content since I am newly returning to the game, but I still hope you can consider me if that is not a problem.

    Avatar photoBiffen
    Post count: 116

    Hello Sek,

    Thank you for the application, and for showing an interest in our guild.

    Unfortunately you don’t have the experience we’re looking for in a raider and healer, and you also happen to be below our age limit of 20 years old.
    We have to decline your application, and wish you luck searching for a mythic raiding guild!

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