Guest23 October 2022 at 18:03Post count: 205Name / Alias: Manon /Sara
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Age: 37
Main Character Name: Saríla – Argent Dawn
Main Character Class: Shaman
Main Specialization: Restoration
Off Specialization: Elemental (but my heart is in healing).
Screenshot of your UI: https://ibb.co/2KGCLSN ; still reworking some things.
Warcraft Logs Link:
CN: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/argent-dawn/sar%c3%adla#zone=26
Sanctum: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/argent-dawn/sar%c3%adla#zone=28
Anduin progression: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/calendar/539241#date=1651356000000Previous PvE Experience/History of previous guilds: Okay so, I started raiding in TBC, so I’ll try to make it concise. I also put PvE experience and history of guilds together, I hope you do not mind.
TBC: Cleared kara, Gruul, Maggy, TK, SSC and Illidan (BT) pre nerf as well as MH. Started Sunwell, but never got past twins. My main was hunter; switched to shaman at the end of the expansion. Was in the same guild (Flinter Spaction).
WotLK: Cleared Naxx (with Valorous), all HM’s in Ulduar (as well as Algalon + 0 lights). Cleared Togc (with Dinos go Rawr), got Insanity. Switched guilds and did all HM’s in ICC apart from LK 25 man with ‘Whatever’ on Auchindoun. Joined Project Mayhem on Skullcrusher and got server 1st hc LK 25 man. Killed Halion hc shortly after.
CATA: PM died, GM quit. Joined ‘Work in Progress’ on Neptulon EU. BWD hc: cleared, 4/5 hc BOT (including Sinestra). Firelands hc: cleared. Dragon Soul: cleared on hc, March 7 2012 (thank god for notes). Guild died. All pre nerf/ahead of the curve whatever it was called ;).MOP: Tried out a 10 man guild (Obsidian, Silvermoon – wasnt my thing). Switched back to 25 man and went to Consequence on Nordrassil. Cleared Mogu’shan Vaults and HoF. Terrace: not fully cleared, guild died. Decided to take a short break, went social but got bored. Joined Silence on Silvermoon EU while they were progressing Throne of Thunder, cleared it with them. Siege of Ogrimmar -Garrosh- was cleared as world 48 25 man.
WARLORDS: Highmaul cleared, world 150th. Atmosphere within the guild deteriorated, we had lost lots of rankings since last expansion and I decided to go horde (Aurora-Stormrage). I should have never done that, it wasn’t the guild for me. I started to become uncertain of myself, mistakes weren’t really allowed and I voluntarily ended my trial during Blackrock Foundry. Joined a guild called Unexpected Variable but that guild disbanded on Blast Furnace. Went to Deus Ex Machina (still exists as Deus ex), they were progging furnace too. Tried to kill Blackhand pre nerf but were unsuccesful (1-2%wipes). Cleared Hellfire Citadel mythic (world 350-400). 13/13 with Deus Ex. Left the guild cause I went to Surinam (South America) for my internship.And this is where my notes ended haha. So I’ll try to sum it up from then onwards:
LEGION: Everything CE. Joined LENG SQUAD (outland EU, 2 days) somewhere during this expansion, I think it was on Kil’Jaeden. Killed KJ with the guild before Leng but forgot the name, fell apart. Antorus 11/11 (world 500).
BFA: Continued raiding with Leng. ), Uldir 8/8 (world 370), Battle of Dazar’alor 9/9 (world 415), Crucible 2/2 (world 212), Eternal palace 8/8 (world 300), Ny’alotha 12/12 (world 480).
SL: Still in Leng (was there for 5 years, like a family to me). Cleared Castle Nathria 10/10 (world 480) on our last breath. Very sloppy and awful kill for me, had my covid vaccine and high fever. After the kill Leng died, ppl had lost interest in the game and it was awfully hard to recruit on Alliance.
I then joined We go Again on Tarren Mill. Sanctum 10/10m (world 330), Sepulcher (read Anduin) was our bane. I was benched as a shaman for progress from the start, and the first boss I got to progress was anduin (see the warcraftlogs link), where we had like 200 wipes and the guild disbanded. Tried to find something else mid tier, but couldn’t – also because of basically not having any logs this tier. Decided to have a break since end of May and now I’ve been back playing since 1.5 week. Did some m+, but trying to gear up is not an easy feat right now.Why did you leave them?: Most of the guilds I left because of them disbanding, there were some other reasons (see section above). I made some wrong choices but I’ve never been kicked due to shitty performance, wanting to jump the ladder (aka leave for a higher ranked guild) or toxic behaviour.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: A couple of months ago I came across the guild and talked a bit with the GM or one of the officers, I do not recall. At that time there were no open slots for healers. I found you guys on wowprogress, most appealing is that you’re so tight knit, like a family; just like Leng Squad was (we also met irl in Amsterdam, great guild meet). I play this game for the social aspect, to interact with people; that’s one thing I truly love.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I’m looking for a place to call home again. As you can see I have a huge guild and wow history, I remember my old GM in Leng joking about it. I was in Leng for 5 years though and it really made me feel like a big family; of course there were some disagreements, but those were always solved. You guys seem like this family, loyal to one another and willing to progress as a team without raiding too much.
I expect the guild to be warm/friendly and respect one another, but still progress oriented when needs be. That we can give each other feedback in a good way and then improve as a team. Furthermore, I hope to truly become a valued member of the guild, even though I’m no longer the youngest (haha).What can you bring to the team?: I am definitely a team player. I’m someone whos kind, maybe sometimes too kind. Whenever someone wants to parse I will definitely help, I will take on roles that will have an impact on my HPS but that doesn’t bother me as long as we kill the boss. I’m not a sniper/someone who wants to parse a lot, to me it’s all about killing the boss and doing a good job at it while having fun; it’s a team effort.
I will listen to instructions, prepare before hand as much as I can and talk to my co healers regarding tactics.Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Generally speaking most evenings, apart from Saturday. Sundays/Mondays are my weekend, then I can play most of the day.
Anything else you would like to add?: I work as a nurse in real life, in home care. I hardly have evening shifts but it happens once in a while, usually that’s on a Tuesday. I love doing my work, but it can take its toll emotionally. WoW helps me a bit to get my mind off that.
I have a trip planned to Dublin (from dec 18-dec 21), bit shitty timing but I always wanted to go there. Thanks for reading this long wall of text, I tried to be a bit concise but that’s not something I’m too great at. I hope you will consider this application and if not, I wish you guys the best of luck/skill and fun in Dragonflight.Hi Manon,
Thanks for your application, we appreciate the detail involved in it!
We’ll discuss internally and get back to you as soon as possible. -
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