Guest24 July 2024 at 14:45Post count: 205Name / Alias: Oubaid-Uglybaby.
Country of Origin: Algeria.
Age: 25.
Main Character Name: Uglybabey-draenor (for season 4 only).
Main Character Class: Don’t have a main, played guardian/pala and vdh for high M+ this expansaion, i play all tanks.Main Specialization: Tank.
Off Specialization: Can only off spec as a fury or arms warrior dps.Screenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/NHvXVZt https://imgur.com/wn1MAA6
Warcraft Logs Link: What i played for S4 : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/draenor/Uglybabey https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/draenor/Uglyturtle
Previous PvE Experience: 6/8M s1 3300 io (irl stuff prevailed) CE s2 and 3810 guardian druid- CE s3 3820 VDH 3686 prot/ret pala- s4 just pugging fated, 3720 main vdh, 3676 alt dh (actually missed title by 1 io sadge)
History of Previous Guilds: Death wish kazzak-Shadowlands nihilism-draenor Dragonflight
Why did you leave them?: For death wish, i left cause i had to focus on my masters years ago, and for nihilism, guild disbanded not so long ago.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: Through raider io, was browsing for a 2days raiding guild.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: The main thing is the 2 days raids, i don’t mind a third day of course , but i really like a chill 2 days environment. For expectations, i really don’t expect much besides a fun and mature atmosphere, and for constructive criticisms for mistakes made instead of passive aggressiveness.
What can you bring to the team?: A 100% attendance player, with the ability to play any tank, and able to reroll at anytime since i keep all of my tanks up to date during raid tiers (unless i know 100% what i will be playing or needed as).
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I’d say 24/7 besides the times when i am sleeping or working out or taking care of my babies (my cats).
Anything else you would like to add?: I would like the opportunity to be trusted to play whatever tank is more broken during the tier, especially if it’s meta in m+, as i’ll be way more comfortable, playing a tank that am spamming 10-20 high keys with a day, of course, unless am needed for a certain buff.
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