Ognjen Cuk
Keymaster2 October 2021 at 19:11Post count: 116Name / Alias: My name’s Ognjen, but everyone calls me Sid due to my ingame name Sidnoth.
Country of Origin: Serbia
Age: 20
Main Character Name: Sidnoth
Main Character Class: Death KnightMain Specialization: Blood
Off Specialization: I don’t really play DK off specs but I can play other tanks if needed ( preferably Brew/ DH).Screenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/rFt7OZY
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/60019770#difficulty=5
Previous PvE Experience:
I’ve started my retail raiding journey during Ny’alotha, where I’ve gotten my first CE, sadly I’ve started raiding when the guild was at 10/12M, but ended up being a main raider ( I played havoc in raids, but gained tanking experience in higih m+ keys such as +23s and +24s…). raid logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/44041440?zone=24&new=true m+: https://raider.io/characters/eu/argent-dawn/Sidnoth#tier=25:season=season-bfa-4In Castle Nathira I’ve gotten my second CE, but as a main tank, and picked up BDK. I’ve chosen DK as my main since it has the most fun and engaging playstyle for raid tanking. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/60019770#difficulty=5&zone=26
History of Previous Guilds: My first guild was Sephuzs Secret, I’ve been with them for 2 tiers before they decided to disband. After the decision to disband was brought up to us raiders, I’ve decided to look elsewhere for a new home. I’ve stumbled upon Swagnaros and decided to join them.
Why did you leave them?: For Sephuzs Secret I’ve already answered above, officer team has drained out and nobody had the strength to fight for it’s future, so the decision to disband was brought up. Currently I’m in Swagnaros but the slow progression with lots of raid time invested isn’t really what I’ve been looking for, an example is 212 wipes on Painsmith for the first kill and 100 for Fatescribe. I’m a competitive person and I like challenge, therefore my goal is killing every boss before the nerfs kick in.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I’ve got lots of friends in Alliance, which made me to look at Alliance guilds on wowprogress, after spending a few hours I’ve came across Violent Circus and when I’ve opened up your wowprogress I’ve noticed you’re looking for a tank.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Firstly I must say that your raiding schedule is on point, there’s no discussion about it honestly. I really hate drama/ toxic environment and from reading your description on wowprogress I’ve got the feeling that you guys have a really good time. As of my expectations from you, I don’t really have any special expectations from you. From seeing your success in the past tiers and the current tier I wish only for it to keep as it is, since you’re doing pretty amazing job with 2 raids a week and I’d love to be a part of your success. I’m looking for a strong and stable raiding team, my goal is to build a good synergy with the other tank and healers as it’s really important for me so that they can know that they can count on me in clenching situations as I can count on them. My ultimate goal is to reach HoF one day, and I believe you’re the one that I can fulfil my goals with.
What can you bring to the team?: As I’ve previously stated I’m a really competitive person and with that I bring competitive mentality and a good understanding of the game. Raid after raid I check warcraftlogs and try to improve and get the most out of our boss tactic, for example where should I use my dps cooldowns, where can I cheese something out of the fight based on my class toolkit ( I could go further in depth with examples if needed).
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Pretty much always I’d say, I’m kind of unemployed as of now, but I do go on Erasmus+ transnational meetings sometimes but it’s really rare. I’ve never been in a situation where I missed a raid because of work, even in 3 day raiding guilds. I’m always around and can fully commit to the guild and all of it’s needs.
Anything else you would like to add?: Even though my raiding experience isn’t as good as yours I think I’ve proven that I’m getting better tier after tier and I don’t think about stopping improving anytime soon. Regardless of your decision I wish you the best of luck in the future.
Think I’ve covered everything above already.
In case you want to ask me anything feel free to add me on Discord Frog#4497 or if you prefer Battlenet Zenorf6661#2897.Thank you for taking time to read my application, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Sid -
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