Guest25 September 2022 at 22:56Post count: 205Name / Alias: Maila
Country of Origin: Finland
Age: 23
Main Character Name: Mailarip-stormreaver
Main Character Class: Death KnightMain Specialization: Blood
Off Specialization: Brewmaster monk, haven’t done anything than tanking in raids since the Eternal palace, some weekly keys i do dps and healing with my other alts i level during a patch.Screenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/gjtrERU
Warcraft Logs Link: DK (Shadowlands tiers): https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/stormreaver/mailarip
Monk (EP, Ny’alotha): https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/stormreaver/emailaPrevious PvE Experience:
Antorus: 8/11M started playing the game patch before and this was my 1st raiding tier.
Uldir: was unable to play
BoD: 9/9M world rank 646
EP: 7/8M our guilded disbanded before Azshara progress.
Ny’Alotha: 12/12M world rank 1024
Nathria: 10/10M world rank 1117
SoD: 10/10M world rank 705
Sepulcher: 7/11M guild disbanded during Anduin progression, got Halondrus at world rank 384
History of Previous Guilds:
I have played in 3 guilds which all have stopped raiding. Or well, my 1st tier i mostly pugged and was trying to figure stuff out.
Univelka-Tarrenmill: Battle of Dazar’alor.
Helix-Tarrenmill: Eternal palace.
Voimafantasiat-stormreaver: Sanctum of Domination and Sepulcher of the first ones.
Why did you leave them?: Unluckily all of my previous guilds have disbanded and stopped raiding. Latest tier i decided to keep some kind of a summer break after the disband call. Now i have decided to come back to the game and try to find a new guild to start playing with.How did you find out about Violent Circus?: Was scrolling wowprogress and your page looked interesting and fitting to me.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Raids times are perfect for me. And by the looks of your wowprogress page, our interests meet in terms of competitive and mature environment. Also looking your other requirements list, i consider myself filling them. I expect people with the same kind of a ¨drive¨ towards raiding, and social aspect of the guild is also very important.
What can you bring to the team?: I keep myself as a solid performer and a fast learner on new things, and can adapt my gameplay in different situations. Warcraftlogs have also been my best friend on progress fights, so i can keep myself up to date on what other guilds and players are doing. I don’t also think that guildies should just only raid together, being friends outside of that is also nice and healthy to everyone. Meaning keys, pvp, scribble games on weekends and that kind of stuff. Almost forgot, i usually keep my monk alt up to date to be raid ready if needed for the debuff or anything else.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Other than a few hours during mornings, and a hobby here and there i should be available pretty much all day.
Anything else you would like to add?:
Outside of wow i like to play pool, disc golf and chess.
Those few hours during morning i do school stuff from home, i’m a student in finance stuff. -
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