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  • Avatar photoKel
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Kel

    Country of Origin: USA (yes really)

    Age: 23

    Main Character Name: Keleseth
    Main Character Class: DK

    Main Specialization: Blood
    Off Specialization: Unholy

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: I have been raiding for nearly my entire life, although at varying levels. I have raided anywhere from top 50 to top 2000, with the majority of my time spent around the 400 to 600 world rank marker. I have every cutting edge since WoD except Kil’jaeden and the Jailer, which are the two times where I took a break from the game.

    History of Previous Guilds: In Shadowlands I was in Imperative on Kazzak. We had what was basically a mutiny after SL Fated and split off to make our own guild, Magisterial. I’ve been in Magisterial the whole expansion as an officer, but I am choosing to leave post-Fyrakk under the reasoning of wanting to go to a 2-day schedule, and some ideological differences with the Guild Master. I can go more in-depth on what that means exactly in private, if you would like.

    Why did you leave them?: Imperative: idiot guild master with an ego that is far too unrealistic (he sucks).
    Magisterial: Not interested in 3-day raiding anymore and some leadership differences.
    Pre-DF: I honestly don’t really remember the guilds I was in during BFA besides the guild where I played hardcore, which was “나루토” (Korean for “Naruto”).

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I just want a 2-day raiding guild that kills bosses. High wipe counts don’t bother me, but the same guy doing the same thing wrong 30 times does.

    What can you bring to the team?: I have 1400 days of time played on just my DK, and nearly every progress boss I’ve ever done has been done on DK. I have played it at its peak, I have played it when it was barely considered a class. I have always made it work.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): ANY one weekday + any weekend day. I can make time for one raid during the week. If there is a situation where we are about to kill the boss so we are doing an extra raid day during the week, I can also make that work, but I would not be able to consistently raid on two different weekdays like 3-day guilds do.

    Anything else you would like to add?: if you have questions, please pose them to me through discord :) (sylin6)

    Avatar photoCyne
    Post count: 27

    Hi Kel,

    Thanks very much for your application. While your experience and logs are very impressive, after discussing the application internally, we have unfortunately decided that we would not be a good fit for each other.

    We wish you the best of luck finding a new guild that fits your needs.

    Best wishes,

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