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  • Avatar photoDale
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias:Dale

    Country of Origin:UK


    Main Character Name:Terrorbed
    Main Character Class:Monk

    Main Specialization:Mistweaver
    Off Specialization:I don’t offspec while raiding i would rather be able to give 100% of my mainspec
    rather than 50% of an offspec i dont mind being benched.

    Screenshot of your UI

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience:
    Last tier of BFA up until now
    CN 9/10M
    SoD 9/10M
    SoTFO 11/11M

    History of Previous Guilds:
    Started playing wow during lockdown at the end of BFA i joined a social guild called
    organisationXII-silvermoon who did social runs in mythic ny’alotha i quickly picked up my class and progressed
    to the main raid team, we then raided through Castle nathria 9/10M and Sanctum of domination 9/10M.
    I then joined my current guild called Somnia-tarrenmill achieving 11/11M in Sepulcher.

    Why did you leave them?:
    I left OrganisationXII because they decided to take a more casual approach to raiding and after talking to the
    guys i decided to leave as i was after CE, They was completely understanding and we still talk and do a dungeon every now
    and again.
    My current guild Somnia is a different story however ,pretty much from Lords of dread we have had roster issues due to
    some leadership problems, there was a few raiders who were pretty toxic towards others which created tension this was made
    worse by the fact some of the weaker links within the roster were not addressed either by helping them or benching them
    it was just passive aggressive comments.
    Also the toxic players were not addressed who made the weaker links feel worse about mistakes etc.
    The guild has a just pull and hope it fixes itself policy which did work for some bosses but not others.
    Anyway after getting CE a lot of Raiders either left for other guilds or just straight up quit wow and since then we have
    struggled to get a raid team let alone one to reclear consistently so i have unfortunately taken the decision to look
    for a more stable guild.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    On wowprogress

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    After reading the recruitment profile on wowprogress everything you have described about yourselves as a guild
    is pretty much what im looking a very good guild with a long standing roster of loyal raiders somewhere i can not only
    further increase my skills as a Mistweaver but somewhere i can stay and enjoy raiding.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    I am very reliable,patient and consistent during raids i will always give input as long as its useful, i try to help those
    around me either on raid mechanics or general positioning etc even if its means the first to ask about something when i make a mistake.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    Im pretty much available most of the time just drop a DM and ill come do a key but for raids if it says 8:00pm thurs
    i will be there at 7:30pm thurs, this current tier i have only missed one raid due to an emergency , even if im benched i usually
    just wait outside the raid and watch someones stream.

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    I know i have not been playing a very long time but i hope you can see i am determined and motivated to become a better
    raider and that i have progressed to a high level in such a short time.
    If you have any questions i will be happy to answer them.

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