Guest2 October 2022 at 22:33Post count: 205Name / Alias: Felscarred
Country of Origin: Israel
Age: 32
Main Character Name: Felscarred
Main Character Class: Demon hunter. Alt in DF will be druid (or whatever the guild wants, Fluffy asked for monk, that’s perfectly fine with me)Main Specialization: Vengeance / Guardian / Brewmaster
Off Specialization: Havoc / Balance / WindwalkerScreenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/AnMG13E
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/draenor/felscarred# Took a break after castle nathria, returned very recently. Managed to gear up but recent logs aren’t yet at a level I’m perfectly happy with.
Previous PvE Experience:
Vanilla – Cleared all up to cthun
TBC – cleared all up to sunwell
WotLK – Didn’t play seriously
Cata – Cleared all
WoD – Cleared all during prepatch
MoP – cleared all
Legion – Cleared EN and a few mythic nighthold and antorus bosses
BFA – cleared a few bosses in uldir and eternal palace. Cleared BoD and nyalotha.
Shadowlands – Cleared CN in season 1. Didn’t play in sanctum and sepulcher. Very recently returned to this fated season. in CN cleared up to fated SLG, in sanctum cleared up to fated fatescribe / kt, in fated sepulcher cleared up to anduin.History of Previous Guilds:
Enraged Revolution – Was there for a very very long time during WoTLK – cata days.
Deus Ex – My most recent serious guild.
Lacks Employment – disbanded
A L F A – my current guildWhy did you leave them?:
Enraged Revolution Disbanded. I left Deus Ex shortly after clearing castle nathria with them, after being with them from nyalotha. It turned out to be a huge mistake. I was happy there and got along with everyone, but I felt like I could get out more of the game, that I could play at a higher level. I was offered by a friend to join his guild (Lacks Employment) and sadly they disbanded shortly after I finished my trial. I didn’t find my footing in any guild since, and I took a break. A L F A is my current guild, I joined very recently, and sadly I think it’s not exactly what I’m looking for, both social wise and gameplay wise.
I’m not a guild hopper, I was in ER for a long time and I was in Deus Ex for a long-ish time. I’m looking for a stable guild that fits my needs, and from what I hear from Fluffy, this is a perfect match.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: Fluffy is my friend from BFA boosting days. We talked a lot also during early SL when he was looking for guild, and I was super happy for him when he settled here. I know you from him.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: From what Fluffy told me and from the streams and videos I seen, this is a good fit for me. I expect social interactions, I expect teamplay where everyone is onboard towards the same goal of killing bosses fast. I expect combined effort and mutually helping each other. And a fun environment to be in.
What can you bring to the team?:
First and foremost, I am a skilled and dedicated player, and will do all in my power to benefit to group. I’m the guy that watches the top end guilds streams and discusses with everyone in the guild why that’s good / bad and tactics. I’m the guy that will switch roles and classes when asked to (Deus Ex I was havoc main in nyalotha, switched on their request at CN. Lacks Employment I was asked to level bdk which I did), I’m the guy that’ll chain run m+ to help others. I play for the team.
Other than that, I’d like to think that I’m a good player. I rarely make mechanical mistakes, and I constantly try to improve. I will say my playstyle is by default very defensive, I don’t really care about logs and parses, I’m happy if the boss died regardless if my dps was high or low and sadly it sometimes shows on logs. I have to go out of my way to dps, and the parses show I can do that also when I want, but it is not my personal preference.
A fun guy to have and be around, I hope.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday – all day. WFH is amazing. Covid is the best thing that happened to me.
Monday / Wednesday – 18:00 ST and above
Friday – Up to 17:00These can change ofc depends on the where we are in the season. Expect maximum degeneracy at start of season for m+ spam and gearing myself, my alt, and my friends.
Anything else you would like to add?:
Thank you for reading my application and this opportunity, I hope to hear from you soon.
Please leave your Discord Username or BattleTag so we can get in contact with you for a chat if necessary:
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