LeeGuest8 May 2024 at 17:56Post count: 201
Name / Alias: Liavia
Country of Origin:England
Age: 33
Main Character Name: Liavia
Main Character Class: WarlockMain Specialization: Current playstyle I preffer demo but can comfortably play all 3 specs. Will generally lean towards demo unless its not competitive / damage profile doesn’t fit a given fight
Off Specialization:Screenshot of your UI:https://imgur.com/a/CokX3tH
Warcraft Logs Link:https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/kazzak/liavia
Previous PvE Experience:
CE Experience at around 150-500 rank level on a 2-3 day schedule. Since nighthold to present. With 2 breaks due to having children, both times guild stopped raiding when I was ready to return :( but don’t worry don’t plan another kid at least not any time soon.History of Previous Guilds:
Slowrunners – Joined these around the start of season 4 shadowlands, played with them ever since, had a second child around Aberrus progress told them before hand that it would likely hinder my m+ playtime but would do my best to keep my char up to date. I think in the end it was just the last 3 I didn’t progress with them. After then finished the tier the guild stopped raiding.Wicked Vigilantes – Re joined start of shadowlands progress with them until Rygelon where we disband. I missed Anduin/lords progress due to a holiday at start of Anduin progress and then lords ended up been a quick kill and I missed day 1 of progress. We were around world ranks 500 but made solid progress this tier raiding on a 2 day schedule 6 hours per week
Just kill the boss – joined them mid Un’aat progress and got taken straight to the fight even with most of the members on 100+ wipes. Picked up the mechanics quickly and never hindered their progress. Raided the rest of the expansion with them and achieved around world 150 ranks with them. I wasn’t a huge fan of the raid atmosphere so when Wicked Vigilantes decided to reform for shadowlands I made the change back to them.
Wicked Vigilantes, I raided with these from the start of Nighthold up until the end of Uldir. I don’t like leaving guilds mid progress so ensured I finished the tier with them before taking a break for a few months. I would have happily stayed with them if they continued to raid after my break as it was a nice guild with a great atmosphere, and progress was decent. We were a 3-day guild and hovered around the 150-300 world ranks.
I raided on an off previous expansions since tbc but won’t bore you going back any further.
Why did you leave them?:
Other than Just killed the boss, who I left due them really wanting to push for hall of fame it created more of a negative atmosphere and they just seem to keep adding more and more raid days / hours.How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
Looking for the rare 2 day guild that actually raids 2 days. With good progress and a good atmosphere which from your wow progress / kill video’s seems to fit what im looking forWhy do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
It sounds like a guild with a good atmposhere a strong leadership so hopefully here for many tiers to come. 2 day raiding no additional main raid days added.What can you bring to the team?:
I keep up to date with all the recent lock theorycrafters in the lock discord channel. Also tune into xerwo and thd streams primarily. When a new tier starts I will prioritise farming my bis trinkets by spamming m+, as these are the biggest dps boost/getting a weapon. I’ll happily do all content including pvp untill my gear is at a decent standard / I have a max level wep. During a raid encounter I ensure I know when mechanics are coming so I can react to them and reduce / pre move as much as possible during gcds/instant casts to reduce down time.I’m an experienced player, I have seen a ton of different bosses and mechanics. I am commited and dedicated to the guild I am in, meaning that I will put in maximum effort to prepare myself for raids and also help others get prepared as well (helping in m+ for example or talking about mechanics or min-maxing certain builds). I’m a quick learner and I always keep a good overview of each fights so I know whats happening and what can happen. My attendance is really close to 100%, if I can’t make it, I’ll make sure the guild knows it in time. (holidays for example)
I am looking for a guild with other like minded players who want to push content in a timely maner while keeping a decent raid atmosphere.Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
I’ll likely have close to 100% attendance expect for the odd summer holiday. I do like to prioritise wow raids, which is why a guild schedule is important to me, your day / times match perfectly for what im looking for. Outside of raid time I’m more active in the day mon – fri than the evenings. Hopefully theres some other day time gamers to m+ with. If not no worries Im used to it :)Anything else you would like to add?:
Hi Liavia,
Thanks for your application!
We will review it internally and get back to you soon.
One thing to note, however, is that we DO raid 3-days on the last boss of each tier to push for CE as well as run optional (but still highly useful) Normal/Heroic raids on Thursdays at the start of the tier to help with gearing up.
You mentioned you’re “looking for the rare 2 day guild that actually raids 2 days,” so we just wanted to clarify the above point, which is noted on our Wowprogress/Raider.io too.
Anywho, as I said we’ll get back to you shortly with a verdict but please let us know if the third raid day I noted above is cause for you to wish to withdraw your application.
Cheers, Andy.
LeeGuest10 May 2024 at 10:36Post count: 201Yeah, I did see that noticed I’d mis-read after applying also saw it in your logs. Its not a huge deal breaker. I’d be fine making the final boss thursday raids, and would likely make most if not all of the start of tier thursday raids.
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