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  • Avatar photoEnvö
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Arthur / Envö

    Country of Origin: Poland

    Age: 28

    Main Character Name: Envö
    Main Character Class: Warlock

    Main Specialization: I dont realy have main and off specialisation. Playing all specs depending what is needed for encounter , but if I would have to choose my most favorite spec to play it would be destruction, and least enjoyable would be Affliction.
    Off Specialization: As stated above.

    Screenshot of your UI: If needed I will send screenshot of ui during combat.

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience:
    Legion: most puging normal bosses and some HC as well.
    8.0 (Uldir): 8/8 HC, 2/8M
    8.1 (BOD & Crucible) : took a break from wow.
    8.2 (Eternal Palace) : 8/8 HC 3/8 M
    8.3 (Nyalotha) : 12/12 HC 4/12 M
    9.0 (Castle Nathria) : 10/10 M
    9.1 (Sanctum of Boredom) : 10/10 M
    9.2 (Sepulcher) : 11/11 M
    Fated – took break, was puging here and there, nothing serious.
    10.0 (VOI) : 9/9 M
    10.1 (Aberrus) : 9/9 M
    10.2 (Amirdrassil): 8/9 M

    History of Previous Guilds: Started playing in legion casualy as DK, first guild I remeber joining was “Knights Who Say Nih” on Dragonblight/Ghostlands server, played since end of BFA there. After that moved to Draenor joining Foward in Reverse and during Council of Blood raidleader decided to step down from role as raid leader/guild master I moved to Kazzak joining The Balcony and achiving my first CE and contined playing there untill disbanding of the guild. Transfering back again to Draenor joined Out of Nothing and defeating Sylvanas, again due to disbanding joined and curently playing in Infinite Ruin since 9.1.

    Why did you leave them?: Switching guilds to guild dramas or disbanding, prefrably I would like to not talk about this, unless it is necessary.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I know one of your guildmembers who suggested I should apply.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I heard from someone who was playing on Defias for a long time that its filed with great people and guilds, my expecations are not that extreme – looking for people to raid with, doing M+ and genraly spending my time well in wow and maybe other games, and also Im willing to give my best shot to a guild with higher rank. Also no drama and dank memes.

    What can you bring to the team?: You can expect a player who will always comes up prepared and always looking for ways to improve, someone who is willing to always play for a team even if that means I will have to play worst role in a raid, and someone who will try to help out in any way possible.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Im playing daily usually comming online around 5/6 ST.

    Anything else you would like to add?: Looking for a guild for War Within, I am currently not raiding. Also if its possible I would like to not transfer to Defias becouse of crossrealm guilds comming up in next expansion.

    Avatar photoAndy
    Post count: 20

    Hi Arthur,

    Thanks for your application. We will review it internally and get back to you with a response soon.

    Cheers, Andy.

    Avatar photoAndy
    Post count: 20

    Hi Arthur,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    After review, we have decided that you do not have the level of experience we are looking for in a raider, and have decided to decline your application.

    Best of luck finding a new guild.

    Cheers, Andy.

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