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  • Avatar photoBobbin
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Liam

    Country of Origin: England

    Age: 32

    Main Character Name: Bobbin
    Main Character Class: Monl

    Main Specialization: Windwalker
    Off Specialization: Not played either in a serious manner for a very long time but always willing.

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: CE every tier from Ny’alotha to now with progressive WR increase each tier. 1400 N’Zoth –> 262 Razageth
    Operation Trash Panda – Nya and CN, both around 1400
    Sedition – disbanded after KT mid-late 500s
    Cutting Hedge – Sanctum 720
    Outreach – Sepulcher 490
    Sodium – Seppy reclear, fated, vault and half Aberrus – 262 vault
    Qualify – finished Aberrus with – 669

    History of Previous Guilds: ^ All as above sorry

    Why did you leave them?:
    Operation Trash Panda – Disbanded
    Sedition – Disbanded
    Cutting Hedge – Went to raid higher
    Outreach – Disbanded
    Sodium – Benched for long time, given permission to look for a guild but they would have liked me to stay (can provide evidence no BS)
    Qualify – Current guild but your days look more appealing to me.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: WowProg / picked Shrinkey’s brains a lil bit

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Your days on paper seem really good and I have no problem in overtiming or throwing the odd extra day in as you state. My expectations I guess would be continuing to raid at the standard you have consistently over the last 3/4/5 tiers and maintaining that or striving to keep improving

    What can you bring to the team?: I can offer you a consistent player with 100% attendance. My DPS numbers may not always be at the top end of the percentiles but I have a good knowledge of my class, the game and the requirements it takes to succeed in the raiding environment. I bring sociability and a handful of free time along with the experience of running boosting communities which has helped expand my game and log review knowledge a lot

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): All the time basically. Mythic raiding is my enjoyment in wow so I base as much of my RL as possible around being able to raid and raid well. The only days I can’t / won’t do are Friday’s and Saturdays in the summer months.

    Anything else you would like to add?: Not currently but if you feel I have missed anything don’t hesitate to ask, thanks for taking the time :)

    Avatar photoBiffen
    Post count: 116

    Hey Liam,

    Thank you for the application. We’ll read through and discuss internally, and then get back to you as soon as possible!

    Avatar photoBobbin
    Post count: 205

    Alright, thanks for the response. Look forward to hearing back 👍🏼

    Avatar photoXethys
    Post count: 15

    Hello there.

    After discussing the application internally we have unfortunately decided that we would not be a good fit for eachother. We wish you good luck with finding a guild that fits your needs and wants!

    Kind regards,

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