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Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)
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  • Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Stanislav,
    thanks for you application. We will discuss it and come back to you soon.

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Mary, you applied to us not too long ago here:
    We haven’t changed our mind in the outcome.

    GL looking for a new guild

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Lea,

    based on your experience we have to decline your application, good luck in finding a guild!

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Lea, thanks for your application. We will discuss it and will come back to you shortly :)

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hey again!

    We would like to have a chat with you, please add me on Discord: Fluffy#6373 so we can schedule a time!
    Thanks, talk to you soon

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hey Ceda, thanks for your lengthy application! We will talk about it and will get back to you soon! :)

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Maila, sorry for the late response but we discussed your application internally already. We would like to have a voice chat with you, please add Discord: Xethi#7709 to set up the chat! :)

    See you soon!

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Sorrow,

    thanks for your application but we have to decline it. Your experience is not what we expect, good luck further

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Tim,
    thanks for your application.

    Your application is very short, bare minimum – no real effort shown.

    We have to decline your application, you don’t match the experience we want to have in a tank.

    Good luck further

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Salya,

    sorry for the delay, we were a bit busy with IRL.

    I saw you joined Explicit on Ravencrest recently, so I guess this application is not relevant for you anymore. We wish you the best of luck going forward in your new guild!

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi again Xera,
    we have to decline your application, it’s rather short and you don’t have the experience we are looking for. We wish you the best in finding a guild.

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Xera,
    thanks for your application. We’ll discuss it and will come back to you shortly.

Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)